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Hot City App

Austrian Blockchain Award for the HotCity App

A Game for Heat Sources in Cities

With the research project HOTCITY Digitalsunray created an approach for identifying and collecting waste heat potentials based on a gamification concept. This concept is based on a mobile app – the HOTCITY App for iOS and Android, where users can report spots, where they believe it might be a waste heat potential. The app rewards the user with several mechanisms (tokens, vouchers, district team captures, high score, etc.) for participation.

The research project under the consortium-lead of the Austrian Institue of Technology (AIT) has a duration of two years and is sponsored by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) within the program Stadt der Zukunft.

Austrian Blockchain Award

With this award blockchain projects are honored, that have a sustainable business model, a proven practice use, and a disruptive use case.

The HOTCITY app uses the blockchain technology of Ardor from Jelurida to process the reward system. Together with the consortium partner Picapipe, who is responsible for the blockchain implementation, a secure system for collecting "heat coins" and badges was developed.

In the category research the HOTCITY app now won the Austrian Blockchain Award 2020.

Project page: https://cities.ait.ac.at/proje...